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Boy saves Friend with skills learned from Sesame Street

It seems like this sort of thing happens more and more.  The last time that something like this happened, that we reported, was with Spongebob Squarepants.  This time, it was Sesame Street, an educational show that’s been running now for 44 years.

William Ruhno and Derek Almeida were on the playground during recess Wednesday when Derek started choking. “He was eating the pretzel and he swallowed it, and then all of a sudden he was just coughing and coughing,” says William. “He was trying to get it out, so I knew.”  Seven-year-old William learned how to do Abdominal Thrusts from watching Sesame Street. “I put my arms around him and I did a fist with my hand over it and I just.” The second time he tried, it worked, and the pretzel that his friend was choking on popped out.

William’s mother was on the playground and witnessed her son’s heroic act without realising what was going on. “I was proud of him for knowing how to do it,” says Debbie Ruhno. ”And just shocked that he actually did it.”

Derek’s mother bought William some toy Hot Wheels cars as a token of her appreciation. “I appreciate what he did to save my life,” says Derek. “And he’s one of my best buddies.”

When a child can learn from a video that he saw years ago, how to do something like Abdominal Thrusts, it says a lot for what else we can learn from video and they can therefore learn all about first aid from our video online student first aid course that is FREE to all schools and children.  Contact us for more information on 01206 805359 or

Via News 12 New Jersey and CBS

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